idiom+, IdiomMas Apps

Sanitation Exam 1.0
This is an interactive common-sense practiceexam that will develop you basic abilities and prepare you to takethe sanitation exam. This application contains memory questionsstreet map question, world math question, and much more.This exampractice is all you need to obtain a high score at your exam.
Horous 1.0
Esta es una aplicacion que une redessocialespara incrementar ventas. Con esta aplicacion puedesincrementar tusventas. Puedes poner videos y tambien contactar yhablar congroupos de personas para vender tu producto de unamejormanera.
Civil Jobs Exam 1.0
This is an interactive common-sensepracticeexam that will develop your basic abilities and prepare youto takeany law enforcement exam (Policemen, Peace Officer,CampusPolicemen, Hospital Policemen, Correctional, etc). Thisapplicationcontains memory questions, street-map questions,word-mathquestions, reading comprehension, and much more. This exampracticeis all you need to obtain a high score at anycivil-job.
This is an interactive multiple choicepracticeexam for the U.S. Citizenship Exam. This App have the 100questionsyou need to pass the Exam.This App also has audio so youcan alsolisten all the questions and answers on your device.